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Utilizing Engagement

Angel Clark

Dear Diary,

Chiiiiile, you nosy in my business and I LIKE THAT! Okay so let's talk about utilizing your audience engagement. By giving your brand your voice and creating content to reflect that, you are creating a space for people to engage with your business. You never know who is sitting back in the shadows lurking and watching. Just because people may not engage with your content right then and there or because your piece of content did not receive a like or share doesn't mean that it was not seen. If you are giving your brand your unique voice and personality, you will soon draw people in to begin to start to engage because people will begin to feel like they know you. They will trust you. A person can follow your content for years and you not know it. This is the power of marketing. This is how you engage your unique and custom audience. You will reach people who genuinely want to support your business. As soon as you start to see consistent engagement, you can be sure that people are showing signs of trust and sales are soon to follow. If people are engaging with you, they have acquired a genuine care for your business and they will love to support.

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