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Ideas Are 10 For A Penny!

Angel Clark

Dear Diary, 

(Chiiiiile, you nosy in my business and I LIKE THAT!) Okay, so let's talk about ideas being worth 10/0.01. Having ideas aren't what is impressive in the world of business. For every ten ideas you have, you get a single penny and you're lucky if you get THAT. Ideas are needed to be implemented because you may find that they need to be tweaked, mixed and matched. Some may work, others may not. You will also find that if you tell someone your idea, they may move quicker at implementing your idea than you are and they will have your idea breathing, walking and talking before you're even able to drum up an identity and make it speak the same language as YOUR brand's voice. There is no one human being that is the same, every single one of our minds work differently. Just as the same as not a single individual having the same fingerprint as another in this world. That is what makes your ideas special. No one can ever be better at being you than you, however, they CAN take your idea and put a spin on it that people may fall in love with. You just have to implement your ideas, find out what works and give it your voice. 

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